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Only one theory regards the origin of the earth, and it does not involve creation, only natural and known physical factors.

The planet, like all others, accumulated gradually through first electrostatic and then gravitational attraction, eventually building to a mass whereupon it could become spherical, and reached the point where its surface temperature had decreased to the point of allowing it to solidify.

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The two most widely-known answers are the tradition of Creation, and the theory of the Big Bang followed by Evolution. According to the theory of the Big Bang followed by evolution, the Universe (and this Earth) resulted from random events stemming from natural laws, and life then developed by random processes, especially mutations.

The narrative of Divine Creation, which is contained in Genesis ch.1 and 2, states that God created the universe. This teaches us that God exists, that our lives and the world are not random, and that the created things may be assumed to contain vast wisdom in their beautiful and purposeful design. (In recent decades, this wisdom has indeed been partially revealed, through increasingly powerful microscopes.)Evolution through random mutations, on the other hand, may be understood as implying that life is an accident, that perceived beauty and wisdom are ultimately purposeless, and that our instinctive yearning for the Eternal is just an electrical impulse in our brain.

See also:

Is there evidence against Evolution

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Q: Theories on the creation of the world?
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How many theories how the world started?


How the world began according to the story of creation in Genisis?

the story of genisis , is a part of the bible that talks about the creation of our world , "GOD" apparently made the world in 7 days the 7th day he rested :)

What is the world's creation story?

There are Creation-stories all over the world; tens of them if not hundreds. This is because the Creation was a tradition going all the way back and shared by all mankind. As time passed, most of these stories became infiltrated by idolatry, with a phantasmagoria of warring deities. It is the Torah, in Genesis, which preserves the original.See also:Is there evidence for Creation?

What happened when the world started?

According to the Bible, the world was created by the word of God. As you can read in the book of Genesis, chapter 1, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was unformed and void and darkness was on the surface of the deep..." And on each of the days of creation, God created more (oceans, vegetation, animals, etc) until finally he created man and woman and then rested on the seventh day. Not every religion has that exact story, but most religions do believe a god (or gods and goddesses) had the responsibility for creating the world. In some cases, the creation story involved a violent cataclysm, in other stories it involves something the deity thought and then turned into a reality. But that is not the only explanation for how the world began. In some religions, the belief is that the world always was; it had no beginning. And there is also a non-religious explanation, which does not attribute the beginning of the world to any god or gods. There are several scientific theories about the creation of matter and the emergence of what became the world. One of the most widely accepted scientific explanations about the expansion and evolution of the universe is called the "Big Bang Theory."

What does the qur'an say about how the world was created?

The Qur'an's basis for creation is the OT from the Bible. So it is the exact same as the Bible's

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In Buddhism was there a spiritual creation of the world or only a physical creation of the world?

In Buddhism there is both a spiritual creation and a physical creation of the world depending on which of the three creation theories the Buddhist believes.

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Scientists have not developed any theories about God's creation. They investigate the natural world and its origins, but have found no evidence that would require involvement of God (or gods) in the origin of the world.

What is theories of earths creation?

One of it is the Big Bang Theory.

What are the theories of procreation?

Procreation is the creation of humans. There are two main theories: Creation - God created the world an all that's in it, including humans, and they reproduce thorough sexual intercourse; and Evolution - Darwin's theory that humans evolved over the years through natural occurrences and from the growth and development of monkeys and other creatures.

What are the different theories of earth?

Do you mean the formation of the Earth? If so, the two competing theories are creation and evolution, as in the formation of the observable universe by the Big Bang.

What are the different earth theories?

Do you mean the formation of the Earth? If so, the two competing theories are creation and evolution, as in the formation of the observable universe by the Big Bang.

What is is a conspiracy theorist?

Someone who is interested and/or involved in the creation, analyzing of, or spreading of conspiracy theories.

What are the different theories on how the world was made?

Some of the main theories on how the world was made include the Big Bang theory, which suggests that the universe originated from a singular point of infinite density; the theory of cosmic inflation, which proposes a rapid expansion of the universe immediately after the Big Bang; and religious creation myths, such as those found in various cultures and religions around the world.

Who invented the world?

The concept of the world as we know it was not invented by any one person. The world's existence and formation is attributed to natural processes and scientific theories such as the Big Bang theory for the creation of the universe and Earth's formation over billions of years.

Was the world dark at the beginning of creation?

The world no. Creation... maybe.

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Different theories regarding the origin of the earth?

Religion vs Science Creation vs Big Bang My claim is that the electricians came first because when God created world, there was allready light.