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Q: Was Austria to blame for starting World War 1?
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The cause of World War 1 was because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Ferdinand was the next in line for the throne of Austria. Austria then put the blame on Serbia, starting World War 1.

What argument could Russia have used to blame Austria Hungary for the start of world war 1?

It was Austria-Hungary's quarrel with Serbia that became the first warring conflict that erupted into World War I.

What arguments could russia have used to blame austria Hungary for the start of world-war 1?

It was Austria-Hungary's quarrel with Serbia that became the first warring conflict that erupted into World War I.

What two countries are given credit for starting World War 1?

Germany and Austria-Hungary are given credit for starting World War I, when in reality Austria-Hungary and Serbia started it.

What was the treaty that ended world war 1 and blame Germany for starting the war?

Treaty of Versailles

Was any one country to blame for world war 1?

Austria-Hungary placed impossible demands on Serbia.

Was Germany solely to blame for the war and signed the clause without regret?

It depends on which war. If you are asking about World War 1, I would say no. I think Austria-Hungary should get most of the blame. In World War 2, I would say Germany was to blame, but I will also add that other countries were headed for war anyway regardless of anything that Germany did.

Who was assassinated in Austria Hungary starting World War 1?

Arch Duke Ferdinand

Why had there been a World War 1?

there was a WW1 because the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary Franz Ferdinand got assassinated in Bosnia and got the blame but then Austria-Hungary found out that it was Serbia so they declared war on Serbia.

How did the treaty of versilles punish Germany for its role in the war?

It forced Germany to accept blame blame for starting the war

What was the main reason for World War I starting?

the main reason for World War 1 starting is tensions between the major countries of Europe(Britain,France,Russia,Germany and Austria-Hungary)

Who was to blame for cold war starting?

Joseph Stalin