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Q: What Europeans were the first to import African slaves as labor to work on their plantations?
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Were African slaves the first to work as slaves on the plantations?

African slaves were not the first to work as slaves on plantations. Slavery has existed for thousands of years in various forms across different civilizations. In the Americas, indigenous peoples and Europeans also faced enslavement and forced labor on plantations before African slaves were brought over.

Why did the Europeans want African slaves who were farmers?

The slaves who could farm would already know how to care for the crops.

What was Europeans' reason to import African slaves?

Europeans decided to import African slaves as opposed to slaves from other countries, because 1) they were immune to the same diseases that were killing off so many Native Americans, 2) they were strong 3) parts of Africa already had a history of slavery, so it was easy to convince communities to turn in their enemies for money.

Who replace the native west Indians who worked spanish plantation when they died off?

African slaves were brought in to replace the Native West Indians who died off working on Spanish plantations. This was due to the devastating effects of diseases brought by Europeans and harsh working conditions in the plantations.

Did the french import African slaves?


Why did europeans begin to import slaves from Africa?

They needed workers and indentured servants didn’t work out. Anyone who was African was a slave so it was very easy to know where they were.

How did west African slaves traders usually obtain the slaves they sold to Europeans?

The slaves that West African slave traders sold to Europeans were usually captured in war.

How did the West African slaves traders usually obtain the slaves they sold to Europeans?

The slaves that West African slave traders sold to Europeans were usually captured in war.

Which European country was the first to import enslaved africans to the Americans?

Spain was the first European country to import African slaves to the Americas. After Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, the Spanish started bringing Africans as slave labor for their plantations and mines. Juan de Cordoba was the first Spaniard to send African slaves to the New World.

Why did the Europeans need to bring African slave over to work the plantations?

Europeans brought African slaves to work on plantations because native populations were decimated by diseases brought by Europeans and were not sufficient in number or adapted to the harsh working conditions. Africans were seen as a readily available and exploitable labor source due to the Atlantic slave trade.

Who enslaved African slaves?

Europeans and Americans.

On southern plantations these people raised and processed the crops?

african slaves