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In England, "German Shepherd" was changed to "Alsatian". People anglicized German surnames to sound less German and more English (Battenburg, to Mountbatten, for example). The royal family adopted the name Windsor rather than continue using the German family name. Is this the kind of thing you had in mind?

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Q: What are some German words that were changed during World War 1?
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Liberty pup is another name for a dachsund. During World War I there was a good deal of anti-German sentiment in the United States. Other German words were changed to wording that was deemed more patriotic for the time. Another example is sauerkraut being changed to liberty cabbage.

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The Esperanto words for German and Germanic are Germana and ĝermanaj.

Was the word tummy used during World War 2?

The words tummy and belly were used during the world war 2 era.

Is the last name Stone Jewish-German?

Stone comes from Stein which is German and means stone. It can be German or German-Jewish. Many Jewish names are German words or come from German words. Schwartz, for example, means black in German.

Who was the German emperor during the war?

William II (Wilhelm in German), His Imperial and Royal Majesty The German Emperor (Kaiser in German), King of Prussia (1888-1941).Wikipedia has a wonderful biography of him at the related link below. Both the words Kaiser & Tsar are derived from the roman Caesar.

How did German influence the English Language?

German influence on the English language can be seen through loanwords, cognates, and grammatical structures. Many English words have Germanic origins, especially words related to everyday activities and household items. Additionally, grammar rules and sentence structure in English have been influenced by German due to the shared Germanic linguistic roots of both languages.

Is the L in salmon silent?

English is a Germanic and, for the longest time, old English resembled old German. In German, you pronounce every letter of a word and a lot of German words are still present in modern day English. That is why a lot of modern English words require you to pronounce every letter. An example is "hat" which is "hut" in German. When the vikings and Norms (French) conquered Britain during the middle ages, new words started to enter the English language. And, it is from these non-Germanic words that you get these silent letters. Salmon comes from the old french word "salmun." The French removed the "l" and changed it to a "u" so the modern french word is now "saumon." English just kept the "l". Reference: I speak German and English and know the background of both language (as well as french since all 3 languages are related).

What words did the British use in world war 2?

Specific to WW2: blitz (from German blitzkrieg) doodlebug (V2) flak