Proclamação da República, (15 de Novembro de 1889) Independencia (7 de Setembro de 1822 ) - Diretas Já !(1986) - Construção de Brasilia - Campeonato Mundial de Futebol no Brasil em 1950- Construção da Usina Hidroelétrica de Itaipú - Construção do Estádio do Maracanã - Envio de Expedicionários na II Grande Guerra - Revolução Constitucionalista de 1932 - Cassação do mandato do Presidente Fernando Collor de Melo - Ditadura Militar - Brasil Pentacampeão Mundial de Futebol - Descoberta de Petróleo na Bahia - Suicídio de Getúlio Vargas - Martha Rocha, por 2 polegadas a mais deixa de ser Miss Universo em 1954 -
Descoberta do Brasil (22 de Abril de 1500) - Primeira Missa no Brasil - João do Pulo bate o recorde mundial de salto triplo. - Volleyball no Brasil, um dos melhores do mundo, várias vezes campeão mundial. - e tem muito mais.
this is not a question partaining to the WHAT aspect however it is a question asking exactly what are some examples of unexpected events that have occured in our history.
some events are:they made the pspfirst people to use a cell phonechad the kid that goes to colton
Some events in the history of Europe are: Anglo-Saxons invade Britain. Saint Augustine arrives in Britain. Scandinavians convet to Christianity. Beowulf is transcribed.
Trail of TearsHurricane Katrina9/11The Holocaust
You don't. You might. It all depends on what country you live in while going to school. If you are borrn and raised in China, you learn about Chinese history first. Only at more advanced school levels would you learn about any European history. United States schools sometimes teach some European history because some events in Europe had a major impace on life in the U.S.
wassbi produckions
What are some major events that took place in Tanzania?
founding of rome
they get to drive under the Eiffel tower
some major events are
war of independencecivil waremancipation of slavesentering world war II
The raiding of the armory in harpers ferry, coal mining issues, lots of stuff
Some major events in Canada's history include the establishment of the Dominion of Canada in 1867, the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1885, the conscription crisis during World War I, the introduction of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982, and the patriation of the Constitution in 1982.
Some major events that have changed Canadian history in the last 15 years include the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2005, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's report on Indigenous residential schools in 2015, and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Subjects taught in Brazilian schools typically include Portuguese language, mathematics, history, geography, science, physical education, arts, and a foreign language (usually English or Spanish). Additionally, there may be specific subjects related to Brazilian culture, such as Brazilian literature and history.
Pretty much all the famous events we know of "happened in history."
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