In 1075 AD one ancient sacrifice was the mass destruction of Britain by the
Waka Waka Indians of the planet doomsville. They came down in their spaceships and blew up Britain. However Queen Waka Waka was killed by the Duke of York and the invaders fled back to their planet of doomsville.
Then in 1556 AD they came back and attacked again but they were stopped by the Soviet Red Army and since then they never returned.
This is why the US and many other countries have nukes. In case the Waka Waka Indians returned we can blow them up and send them back to doomsville.
1. It's the location of some of the world's richest farmland. 2. Ancient trading centers attracted manyh people to this area 3. They include Europe---Paris, Berlin, Warsaw, and Moscow
I read in some that it was relativly around 2000$ in todays money in rome ancient times but awerage was for all countries in ancient world..rome maybe had little more ,then in middle ages it fell a lot untili 14-15 centuri when western Europe start to rise.
What are some advantages of living in ancient rome
Most medieval queens in Europe were Christians. Some were not. Aside from those areas of Europe where there were pagans, there were well organized and sophisticated monarchies in Europe that were Muslim, such as those in Spain and Sicily.
Ancient China built the Great Wall of China. They also invented paper, gunpowder, printing, silk, and the compass
rivers,and mountains
Some of the rituals that were performed in Ancient Greece to honor their many Gods included prayer, sacrifices, festivals and the arts. It is also said The Olympics were created to honor the Gods.
Most of Europe was inhabited by small or medium-sized independent tribes.
No-one knows. Forms of the drawbridge were used, albeit rarely, as far back as Ancient Egypt, 3000 BC. They did not become common until the Middle Ages in Europe. Leonardo da Vinci designed some - he is not the inventor though.
There are numerous amounts of religions and spiritual beliefs in early Europe. Some of the known religions are: Wicca, Druid, various forms of Paganism, and Judaism.
Some of the main water forms in Europe include rivers (such as the Danube and Rhine), lakes (such as Lake Geneva and Lake Como), seas (such as the Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea), and oceans (such as the Atlantic Ocean). These water forms play important roles in the geography, transportation, and ecosystems of Europe.
Drowning horses
Greece is mostly in Europe; though some of its islands are geographically in Asia.
Ara is the constellation that is known as the Altar, which comes from various ideas from Greek mythology. The Altar was associated with some sacrifices made in various Greek stories.
"Of the sacrifices" and "some sacrifices" are English equivalents of the French phrase des sacrifices.Specifically, the word des functions as a partitive or a preposition depending upon context. As a partitive, it is "some." As a preposition, it means "of the" from the combination of the preposition de ("of") with the feminine/masculine plural definite article les ("the"). The masculine noun sacrifices translates as "sacrifices."The pronunciation will be "dey sa-kree-feess" in French.
The Roman writing invented in the 7th century. This is considered to be among some of the most ancient forms of writing.
Yes, it is believed that some Indo-European speakers migrated to Eastern Europe from the Tigris-Euphrates area in ancient times. These migrations likely contributed to the spread of the Indo-European language family into Europe.