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Q: What are the Effect of fire outbreak on individual and society?
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Related questions

What is fire outbreak?

define fire outbreak and the causes

What is fire management?

This is how fire is controlled from cradle to grave in all areas of fire outbreak.

What type of liability insurance do you need for cooking barbecue on festivals?

it's a fire case of fire outbreak while cooking..

What is the effect of excessive fire to diamonds?

Probably no effect.

Who caused the KCSP Tread Effect Fire?

The KCSP Tread Effect Fire, was caused by space radiations.

How do you get a fire effect on imovie HD?

Sorry dude, I don't think you can. The only thing close to the fire effect is the lightning effect, which is called electricity.

What is the phone number of the Fire Historical Society in Jefferson Ohio?

The phone number of the Fire Historical Society is: 440-576-0030.

What actors and actresses appeared in Fire and Effect - 2007?

The cast of Fire and Effect - 2007 includes: Dusty Dog as himself

What is Prometheus Society's motto?

The motto of Prometheus Society is 'Fire tests gold'.

What are the Possible causes of fire in the work place?

Possible causes of fire at work place includes lack of safety program in place. Over crowded offices also contributes to fire outbreak . And carelessness by staffs can also lead to fire out break.

Where is the Fire Historical Society in Jefferson Ohio located?

The address of the Fire Historical Society is: Po Box 574, Jefferson, OH 44047

What effect fire has on people?

It burns them