well poor tudor's wear cloth,dirty and smelly clothes but rich tudor's wear diamonds,clean and comfy clothes.
The Tudor period is the time when the Tudor family came to the throne. Henry VIII is the most famous tudor king. You can see many Tudor houses in England today. Some of them are over 500 years old!How can you recognise a Tudor House?Most ordinary homes in Tudor times were half timbered - they had wooden frames and the spaces between were filled with small sticks and wet clay called wattle and daub.Tudor houses are known for their 'black-and-white' effect.
t's known as the beautiful game, but in Tudor times football should perhaps have been called the dangerous game. Modern Premier League stars may dive and feign injuries, but in the 16th century more people died playing it than sword-fighting, a historian has discovered. Seven footballers were killed after clashes in English villages between 1500 and 1575, new research has revealed.
Tudors can hardly be called modern, since the last Tudor/Elizabethan monarch died in AD 1603. Henry VIII was rich because his father, Henry VII, had managed to save a lot of money.
modern houses are new but ot tudor houses
bob marley
The Tudor time theatre had electric lights and the modern time theatre has electric lights
Modern entertainment is tvs, computers and gadgets. Tudor entertainment was dancing and attending parties or balls.
The theatres in Tudor times were open, in the sense that they had no roof.
a cookery
Not a lot, if you were ordinary, if you were mega rich then they were made of brick. a sign of wealth then was the number of windows and chimney pots.!
what features are the about modern houses and Tudor houses
What is the difference between the Tudor and Stuart part of Hampton Court?
Margaret Tudor was Queen of Scots and she was his sister.
they look like old modern houses