Spiritual awakening became more important than sacrifice.
Aryan religion was polytheistic but they began to have mystics and look for spiritual truth. They started to change into Brahmanism.
Hinduism was Mainly product of aryan invasion. Dravidian had very different rituals than of today's Hindu Society. This shows that dominating aryans influenced Hindu beliefs Heavily.
social anthropology
it happened b cause people take over land and fight 4 them
Aryan religion was polytheistic but they began to have mystics and look for spiritual truth. They started to change into Brahmanism.
Sacrifice became empty gestures
there were to many sacrifices
Sacrifices became empty gestures
over many centuries ago and ruled by a rajah.
to change them over to your religion
An Aryan Empire was a series of historical empires over the Iranian plateau
An Aryan Empire was a series of historical empires over the Iranian plateau
The term "Aryan region" historically referred to a hypothetical place where Proto-Indo-European people originated. However, this idea has been debunked by scholars, and the concept of an "Aryan region" is no longer considered valid. The understanding of human migration patterns and the spread of Indo-European languages has changed over time based on archaeological and genetic research.
Slave codes I think
No, Hinduism is a diverse religion with various beliefs and practices, while the Aryan caste system was a social hierarchy that developed in ancient India. The caste system became a part of Hindu society over time, but it is not the sole defining feature of Hinduism.