What country does the last name zetar come from
Polly Cooper's Birth date is unknown - Her birth year could not have been in 1794 because she aided George Washington and his soldiers at Valley Forge the winter of 1777-78. The Chief of her tribe's name was Chief Oskanondohna
where does the last name uribe comes from
My ancestor, Spencer Cooper, set sail from County Cork, Ireland in 1731.
As of 2021, there are approximately 50,000 people in the world who have the first name Cooper. It is most commonly used in English-speaking countries.
Silas Cooper's birth name is Berry Cooper.
Freddie Cooper's birth name is Frederick Cooper.
Dimples Cooper's birth name is Isabel Rosario Cooper.
Cooper Huckabee's birth name is Thomas Cooper Huckabee.
Melville Cooper's birth name is George Melville Cooper.
Cooper Sutton's birth name is Cooper Grant Sutton.
Cooper Thornton's birth name is Ray Cooper Thornton.
Budge Cooper's birth name is Bridget W. Cooper.
Cecil Cooper's birth name is Cecil Celester Cooper.
Darin Cooper's birth name is Darin Lynn Cooper.