D-Day occurred on the beaches of Normandy, France during World War 2 while the Nazi/Germany occupied France. The United States military forces, joined with other nations approached the beach from the ocean while the Nazis defended the beach. The Nazi's were eventually overwhelmed after a massive loss of life on both sides, which was the turning point of the war leading to the defeat of the Germans.
The 8th of May 1945 was a Tuesday.
April 3 1943 was a Saturday.
For Skirmish Dday you have to call. I assume it is the same for Oklahoma and other big dday games also.
September 11th can be on any day of the week
how many tanks were there durind dday
On Sabbaths and Jewish holidays. (The holidays can occur on any day of the week.)
The time of day or day of week does not seem to matter.
It was a Thursday.
February 29th, 1985 was actually a leap year. So, this day of the week did not occur.