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Q: What do historians learn?
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How do historians learn about the past?

Historians learn about the past by using artifacts geography written records/books and interviews/oral tradition.

How do historians learn about prehistory?

By finding artifacts

How is bias usful to historians?

Bias can be useful to historians by allowing them to learn about people's opinions and beliefs.

What do you call scientists that learn about the past?

Scientists that learn about the past are called historians because they learn about history/past.

How do historians learn about the ancient Hebrews?

Artifacts, includeing the Torah

Why do historians study the Dead Sea Scrolls?

these writings helped the historians learn about the lives of many jews during this time

Why are pompeiis buildings and artifacts so important to historians?

Because historians want to know what happened so they can learn all about it :)

Why do historians study Dead Sea Scroll?

these writings helped the historians learn about the lives of many jews during this time

How did archaeologists and historians learn about the daily life in Egypt?

the rosetta stone

What might historians learn from cylinder seals?

The way they lived back then.

Why do historians read diaries and letters from the past?

To learn about what happened in the past

Why do historians read diaries and letters from past?

To learn about what happened in the past