The 14 points of the Versailles Treaty were NOT President Wilson's 14 points they were created by many countries, mainly France, to punish Germany. Wilson's agenda was the League of Nations.
DeAndre Franklin 10 seconds disappearance video
Unify germany
Woodrow Wilson was dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles. He was an idealist and wanted to build a better and more powerful world from the ruins of the first world war. He agreed with the fact that Germany should be punished for what they did, but to an extent. He was worried that if they treated Germany too harshly, then Germany would someday get revenge. Woodrow Wilson believed that all nations should agree and cooperate to achieven world peace, which is why he set the league of nations up and wrote the 14 points.
He succeeded in unifying Germany.
poops and taters
breaking her heart
Woodrow's Wilson's threat to Germany was that he was going to declare war on Germany as a bit of revenge.
woodrow wilson thought that germany had to pay for its destructive part in ww1
breaking her heart
breaking her heart
they had sex and killed themselves
Trading/Selling guns to the Natives
President Wilson was prompted by the refusal of Germany to halt its naval attacks.