Il y a du monde means 'there are loads of people'. And is you hear 'il y a du monde au balcon', this is a slang/familiar observation that some girl has big breasts.
Tous les Matins du Monde was created in 1991.
It means: The World
hurray vorld hurray war hurray al legionarie
the happiest (girl) in the world
Pain du monde
oiseaux du monde: birds of the world;la plus belle fille du monde: the most beautiful girl in the world;il y a du monde qui arrive: there are (some) people coming.
Pain du monde
world cup
Il y a du monde means 'there are loads of people'. And is you hear 'il y a du monde au balcon', this is a slang/familiar observation that some girl has big breasts.
Médecins du Monde was created in 1980.
Entrepreneurs du Monde's population is 10.
Entrepreneurs du Monde was created in 1998.
L'Origine du monde was created in 1866.
Artisans du Monde was created in 1974.
Café du Monde was created in 1862.
Nuages du Monde was created on 2006-10-03.