China fell into chaos and Sun stepped down.
Tang Taizong became emperor in 618. When his son plotted to kill Taizong he stepped down and became a "retired emperor".
She was the first female ruler and this is a great turning point, so therefore if she hadn't stepped up to the throne there may have not been an introduction of a queen until much later on!
the were hiding or fighting
Basically America Stepped in with the Dawes Plan 1923 and Young plan 1929, and this with massive loans and a new loan helped pay it off, but before that they couldn't pay it so the French Invaded the Ruhr a Industrial area and This caused hyperinflation.
It did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting whereas Pascal's couldn't.
It did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting whereas Pascal's couldn't.
It did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting whereas Pascal's couldn't.
It did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting whereas Pascal's couldn't.
Oh, honey, let me break it down for you. The Stepped Reckoner, designed by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, could handle multiplication and division, while Pascal's machine could only do addition and subtraction. Basically, the Stepped Reckoner was like the cool kid on the block with more math skills than Pascal's machine could ever dream of.
It did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting whereas Pascal's couldn't.
It did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting whereas Pascal's couldn't.
The device tended to jam and malfunction because the parts of the machine were unreliable.
The device tended to jam and malfunction because the parts of the machine were unreliable.
It did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting whereas Pascal's couldn't.
calculus and the stepped reckoner