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The assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand

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Q: What event actually started the fighting in the ww1?
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What event actually started WW1?

The shooting of the arch duke and his wife

What country seen the most fighting in WW1?

Germany they started it ...

What single event started WW1?

The murder of a prince in Sarajevo.

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What event started ww1 in Europe?

Its usually considered to be Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand.

How could a country be involved in ww1 without actually fighting?

A country can be involved in WWI without actually fighting. They can trade with only certain countries, they can send food and supplies out, and they can also raise money.

What international event actually called off the search and tensions with Mexico?

ww1 set off the tensions between mexico.

When did WW1 start and end?

WW1 started in 1914 and for America it started in 1917 and ended in 1918

How much of world war 1 was actually fighting?

Surely all of any war is actually fighting... Yes, there were unaffcted parts of the world, indeed there were in WW2, but Global war was a part of WW1. The world had suddenly become a very modern place.....

What was trench warfare in ww1?

fighting in trenches

When did the british army start fighting in the World War 1?

They Started Fighting in 1916THEY STARTED FIGHTING IN AUGUST 1914 ACTUALLY. The BEF lost a lot of their army in 1914, 1915 but for that loss they fought magnificently in the Battles of Mons, Le Cateau, Marne, Race to the sea and First Ypres and proved critical in stemming wave after constant wave of German attacks in 1914.Also in 1914 British army was at Mesopotomia, Africa and Also the Royal Navy were very busy.But the British army were a critical factor in WW1 throughout.

Who does Hitler wish to defeat to avenge WW1?

Hitler actually wanted to kill all Jewish people, and started WW2 because of it