September 11,2001 Attacks.
The stock market crash of 1929 put an end to the prosperity of the 1920s in the United States.
It ended, in some people's minds, in 1453 with the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Ottoman Turks.This event lead to the Age of Exploration, considering that the kingdoms of Europe lost the ability to trade with China and India due to the spread of dar al-Islam, the "Land of Islam," with their conquering of Byzantium, which was the center of the trade network from West to East.
Haiti was destroyed by a devastating earthquake that killed almost half the population. A horrible event especially because Haiti has poor emergency crews.
The inventions and raw materials from Eastern Asia and China are some of the events that led to the re-opening of the silk road in the 1200s.
It was a bad knee injury
World War II
The event that almost ended the history of Rome in 390 BC was the Gallic invasion of the city. The Gauls, led by their leader Brennus, sacked and burned Rome, causing significant destruction and casualties. However, Rome managed to recover and rebuild, ensuring the continuation of its history.
the event that best illustrated the policy of detente was?
it has already ended sorry
The Event ended on 2011-05-23.
It is an absolute certainty that another event will occur in China
The Darkrai event already ended, you can't get it anymore.
you get it from an event over wifi (this event has ended)
The country that won the silver medal in the Men's Singles Table Tennis event at the Rio 2016 Olympics was China. China almost swept the event as its athletes won both gold and silver medals.
Masters Qualifying Event ended in 2009.
Event Horizons BBS ended in 1994.