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Ferdinand Magellan used this int\strument

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Q: What explorers used the astrolabe?
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Related questions

How did astrolabe help European explorers?

It enabled explorers to determine their position.

How did the astrolabe help the explorers?

it helped them locate their latitude

How did the astrolabe help European explorer?

It enabled explorers to determine their position.

What are the 3 technologies that helped explorers cross the ocean?

The compass, the astrolabe, and the rudder.

What did explorers use to sail accurately by day and night and measures latitude?

An Astrolabe

Give two technological advances that helps the explorers on the open sea?

The compass and the astrolabe

What new technologies helped explorers?

The compass, the astrolabe (instrument used to measure latitude), and the rudder all helped European explorers on their quest to find Asia and get rich by by buying spices there and selling them in Europe to get a profit.

What was the purpose for the Astrolabe?

The astrolabe was used for navigation and determining the position of celestial bodies in the sky, allowing sailors and explorers to find their location at sea. It was also used for timekeeping and in astrology for casting horoscopes.

What was the role of the astrolobe in terms of explorers?

Astrolabe was an instrument used to find directions in travel over the sea or desert; its role was sort of old magnetic compass!

What kind of techonology did all of the explorers use to sail boats?

Compass, sextant (or astrolabe), & timepieces.

A sentence with astrolabe?

I used an astrolabe because i felt like it.

What kinds of navigational instruments did Renaissance explorers use?

Renaissance explorers used instruments such as the astrolabe, quadrant, compass, and cross-staff for navigation. These tools helped them to determine their position at sea by measuring the position of celestial objects and the horizon. Additionally, they used charts and maps to plot their course and track their progress.