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what factors motivated the europeans to explore and settle in the caribbean up until the 17 century

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Q: What factors motivated the Europeans to explore and settle in the Caribbean until the 17Th century?
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Who explore the Caribbean?

The Caribbean was first explored by the Native Americans. Christopher Columbus was among the first Europeans to explore the Caribbean.

What motivated Europeans to explore the world in the 1400 and 1500?

The return of lt mardward

What motivated europeans to explore?

God, Glory, Gold. This means religion, fame and wealth.

What motivated Europeans to explore the US?

Most were searching for a western water route to Asia or what they called the Indies.

What were Europeans motivated to explore by?

Europeans were motivated to explore by a desire for wealth, power, and prestige, driven by competition among European nations, a desire for new trade routes to Asia, and religious motivations, including spreading Christianity. Additionally, the search for new lands and resources played a role in motivating exploration.

What kind of ship did the Europeans use to travel in their explorations?

the Europeans used the Caravel to explore and the ship was invented in the 13th century

What factors motivated Europeans to begin exploring other continents?

Europeans were motivated to explore other continents by their competition with Spain(Spain had recently found much wealth in gold and silver), the chance to spread the Christian faith, and to expand their nation as a whole.

True or false Europeans were motivated to explore new lands because they wanted to convert local people to Christianity or claim land for their country?


What motivated juan ponce de leon to explore?

Christopher Columbus motivated Leon to explore

What motivated Europeans to explore and settle new territory?

Europeans were motivated to explore and settle new territories for reasons such as economic gain through trade and access to resources, desire for new land and power, spreading Christianity and converting indigenous populations, and escaping political or religious persecution in their homelands. These motivations led to the Age of Exploration and subsequent colonization of various parts of the world.

Why did the europeans motivated to explore new land?

Europeans were motivated to explore new lands for several reasons, including the search for wealth and resources, the desire to spread Christianity and convert indigenous peoples, the pursuit of glory and power for their home countries, and the hope of finding new trade routes to Asia. Additionally, competition among European nations fueled the race to discover and claim new territories.

Why did Europeans begin to explore the Americas?

The discovery of America led to a demand of new kind of political and economic organization. Europeans were forced to explore and settle in new lands due to the, economical, political and religious turmoil that was occurring in the 16th and 17th century.