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women and children.

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Q: What groups made up two thirds of the british cotton industry's workforce by 1830?
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Which of these groups integrated during the war?

the workforce

What structures make up a tissue?

Cotton (Or groups of cells)

What structures make up tissues?

Cotton (Or groups of cells)

What three groups were the workersvon the transcontinental railroad?

The Irish, Chinese, and African Americans comprised the workforce on the Transcontinental Railroad.

What were the three groups that did not fight the British?

The three groups living in America that did not fight the British were the Native Americas, the Quakers and the Loyalists.

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin a machine that separated cottonseeds from the plant fibers Which of these words or groups of words is an appositive in the sentence?

cotton gin

Who benefited from the development of the cotton gin and why was it important to so many groups?

The Southern plantation owners benefited from the cotton gin the most. It used to be a full day's work for a slave to pick one pound of lint from three pounds of cotton, but thanks to the cotton gin, the process sped up considerably. In fact, you could even say that the cotton gin gave people one more reason to support slavery, since the invention made slavery so much more financially beneficial.The cotton gin was important to so many groups because cotton itself was important to so many groups: The South exported cotton to the North and to foreign nations, and the Northerners used it in their textile factories. The surplus of cotton helped spark the industrial revolution.

Why do the groups within Nigeria have a history of disagreement?

Because Some of the groups fought against the British

What groups are or were Ethiopia fighting against?

the british and Congo

What groups fought in battle of saratoga?

British and the Americans

What are the ethnic groups of the Midwest?

white african and british

What makes cotton absorbent?

cotton is a polysaccharide and as such is made of many carbohydrate units linked to together in very long polymer. each carbohydrate contains many -OH functional groups that are very good at "attracting" water through hydrogen bonding so when cotton is wet it is actually "holding" the water using their -OH groups