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Well, the rebellions needed to arm themselves with weapons,

and since the Bastille prison is the old unused French prison, it was stacked with a cache of ammunition and weapons that the rebellions were after.

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The Bastille was stormed by a mob who wanted to seize gunpowder there (there wasn't any). There was negotiation at the gates, as the fortress was used only as a prison and guarded only by some invalids and Swiss guards, but at some point frightened guards fired into the crowd. The crowd, including militaries, went mad and turned its (powderless) cannons towards the fortress. The governor let the people in, in exchange of the promise that no guard will be beaten. The mob stormed the castle, freed the few (7) prisoners, and beheaded the governor.

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The Seizure of the Bastille happened during the French Revolution. Basically, what happened was, the group of revolutionaries in France invaded a fort/prison in Paris known as the Bastille. They invaded it, killed all the guards, and released the prisoners. Some of the prisoners joined the revolutionaries to end the monarchy in France.

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The Bastille was stormed on the 14th July 1789, this along with the Tennis Court Oath is generally thought to be the start of the French Revolution.

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The storming of the Bastille happened on July 14, 1789. Only 7 prisoners were found in the jail, only one of which was a political prisoner. The demolition of the Bastille started the very next day.

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The storming of the Bastille took place on July 14th, 1789.

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Unlikely since he died on 1 September 1715 and the Storming of the Bastille happened on 14 July 1789.

The French Revolution happened in?

It began 0n 14 July 1789 with the Storming of the Bastille in Paris, France.

What weapons did the peasants use at Bastille?

The people who seized the Bastille were not peasants but Paris' townspeople, led by a few soldiers. Peasants did not came inside the capital from the countryside, to participate in the fall of the Bastille (althought they did participate in much that happened by the countryside). The weapons used to capture the Bastille were rifles seized earlier in the day at the Invalides arsenal, and a few cannons taken from the same location.