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Q: What happened to the aboriginals when they returned back to there communities after the World War 1?
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The answer will depend on aboriginals from what part of the world.The answer will depend on aboriginals from what part of the world.The answer will depend on aboriginals from what part of the world.The answer will depend on aboriginals from what part of the world.

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the aconomy shrank

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They had no immunity. It was an old world disease.

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they wre subjected to humiliation of segregation and terrorized by the KKK in the south

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the Aboriginals thought that the dove of life was the leader in which was the owner of the world

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What music did the aboriginals do for music?

In the modern world, it would probably be catagorized as folk music.

Why did the Aboriginals help Canada with World War 1?

Aboriginals fought in WW1 because of their totality to the Queen . Their treaties were from the Queen and not the Canadian government. They volunteered to protect their families and their land. After all, it is their land more than anyone else's. The Aboriginals retained the warrior type spirit in spite of the governments desire to oppress them. They wanted to prove tgier loyality to Canada and each other.

When did aboriginals get the right to vote?

There are many aboriginal people around the world, if your question refers to Australia :The Aboriginal Land Rights Act was passed in 1976

How can you make a sentence with the word communities?

Example: The city of Chicago has many communities. With a pen and a piece of paper