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Q: What hardships did German face in world war 2?
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paying the troops

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The reason people were so willing to face hardships in the war was because they wanted freedom and independence from Britain.

What problems did German Americans face during World War 1?

their house burnt, their taxes HIGH and some had to leave

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By 1778 the war was over so they didn't face any hardships in battle or on the battlefield.

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The Austro-Hungarian, German, Ottoman, and Russian empired. did i mention YOUR FACE.

What is German for World War I?

"der Erster Weltkrieg" is the correct German term for "World War one"

Why was the invasion of the European Mainland the turning point in world war 2?

Because Allied soldiers and armoured vehicles could finally challenge the German armies face to face.

How does Aldof Hitler stay in power?

Having undergone significant hardships in the aftermath of the Armistice and losing World War I, the German people were invigorated by a man who dared to defy the world and say he would bring their country back to glory. It is a tragically common scenario that desperate people will sometimes resort to desperate solutions to relieve their hardships.