Thai money called Baht!
The type of money a country uses is called their currency.
Polish currency IS called Zloty
The "breadbasket" is a reference to the large amounts of wheat that is grown on the Prairies.
Money in Nunavut is called the Canadian dollar.
Quebec's Money is called: the Canadian Dollar
Canadian money does not actually have a nickel. They have what is called a five cent piece. A 2002 Canadian 5¢ piece is only worth face value.
Throw all of your American money off of a Canadian bridge. The Canadian next to you will feel so sorry for you that he will give you the equivalent value in Canadian money.
canadian money is originated from britian
Canadian money is made in polar bear land.
Canadian money serves as a symbol because it features iconic Canadian images, such as the maple leaf and images of Canadian wildlife like the loon on the one-dollar coin. The design of Canadian money showcases the country's cultural and natural heritage.
Canadian law prohibits destroying Canadian coin. It doesn't explicitly name paper money in that context.
Canadian Paper Money Society was created in 1960.
1 British pound = 1.58814047 Canadian dollars (as of 2011-12-05). See related links for latest.
Canadian money!
20 Canadian dollars would be $18.35 in American money