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"Last names" were historically not a feature of any native American societies; people might have many different names (such as Pocahontas, for example), but these were all single, lone names. Squanto's name was in any case not Squanto - that was the name given to him by the English settlers. His real name was Musquantam, meaning "he is angry".

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Squantos name means harvester, because its sounds kinda like squash,which is harvested.

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What is Squantos name?

"Last names" were historically not a feature of any native American societies; people might have many different names (such as Pocahontas, for example), but these were all single, lone names. Squanto's name was in any case not Squanto - that was the name given to him by the English settlers. His real name was Musquantam, meaning "he is angry".

What tribe did Squantos belong to?

The Pawtuxet tribe

What is Squantos Native American name?

His real name was something like Tisquantum or Musquantam. In the Natick language the name means "He is angry" and is formed from musqui (red or bloody) and antam (minded).

What were some of Squantos jobs?

he worked as a slave and a servant for John Slanie

When is squantos birthday?

squanto's exact birth date is unknown, but his birth year is estimated to be about 1580.

When did Squantos wife ever die?

Squanto's wife died in England in 2009. She was a tough cookie.