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"Wasn't that a boring lesson?" "I don't know - I wasn't paying attention."

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Q: What is a good sentence with the word wasn't?
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Any sentence that properly uses the word additionally is a good sentence. Additionally, the above is a great sentence.

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the girl was very unattractive, because her hair was messy and her clothes were dull and her appearence wasnt good

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There is not just one good sentence for "there," there are many.

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you can use the word good sport in a sentence when you are saying that game was good today you were a very good sport. That is a very good sentence to use for good sport.

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I scarcely use the word scarcely in a sentence.

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Economy. There. I said it. In a one-word sentence.

What would be a good sentence with the word county in it?

A good sentence that has the word county is "A County has its own branch of government."