Well.....human heritage is supposed to be the traits that are past down from your ancestors and which contributed to how the world presently is.
UNESCO has helped millions of people in the world , forming part of cultural and natural heritage, they have saved many natural resources.
more than likely black or a mushy gray
human,cultural,physical and natural.
Africans should exchange their heritage and culture for European culture.
A mixed World Heritage site is a site that has both cultural and natural significance to the world. These sites fall under many of the 10 criteria that UNESCO has for a world heritage site. They must meet at least one of the cultural and natural criteria. There are 31 mixed world heritage sites in the world. Some of these sites include the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu in Peru and Mount Athos in Greece.
people of mixed European and Indian heritage
At the end of 2012, there were 962 World Heritage Sites; 744 cultural, 188 natural and 30 mixed.
Australia's first 3 World Heritage sites were inscribed in 1981. They were the Great Barrier Reef (natural), Kakadu National Park (mixed), and the Willandra Lakes Region (mixed).
In 2009, there were 890 World Heritage sites; 688 cultural sites, 175 natural sites and 27 mixed sites.
Barack Obama is the first US President to acknowledge a mixed racial heritage while in or seeking office. He has a mixed heritage because his father is from Africa and his mother was a Caucasian American.
Turkey has 13 World Heritage sites; 11 cultural and 2 mixed properties. These properties include the Archaeological Site of Troy and Historic Areas of Istanbul.
France has 39 World Heritage sites; 35 cultural, 3 natural and 1 mixed property. These include the Banks of the Seine, the Loire Valley and the Amiens Cathedral.
New Zealand has 3 World Heritage sites; 2 natural and 1 mixed property. The natural sites are: - New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands - Te Wahipounamu - South West New Zealand The mixed property is: - Tongariro National Park
1978 was the first year that properties were inscribed on the World Heritage site list. 12 properties were inscribed that year including Mesa Verde National Park, Yellowstone National Park, the City of Quito and the Galapagos Islands.
A Xicano is an alternative spelling of Chicano, an American of Mexican descent, or someone who identifies with the mixed-race heritage of the Old World and the New World.
New Zealand has 3 World Heritage sites; 2 natural and 1 mixed property. These include the New Zealand Sub-Antarctic islands and Tongariro National Park.