Madame C.J. Walker (1867-1919)
"I got my start by giving myself a start." - Madame CJ WalkerBy Mary Bellis, Guide See More About:Madame WalkerLOC
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Sarah Breedlove McWilliams Walker, better known as Madame CJ Walker or Madame Walker, together with Marjorie Joyner revolutionized the hair care and cosmetics industry for African American women early in the 20th century.
Early YearsMadame CJ Walker was born in 1867 in poverty-stricken rural Louisiana. The daughter of former slaves, she was orphaned at the age of seven. Walker and her older sister survived by working in the cotton fields of Delta and Vicksburg, Mississippi. She married at age fourteen and her only daughter was born in 1885. After her husband's death two years later, she traveled to St. Louis to join her four brothers who had established themselves as barbers. Working as a laundrywoman, she managed to save enough money to educate her daughter, and became involved in activities with the National Association of Colored Women. Inspired by NeedDuring the 1890s, Sarah began to suffer from a scalp ailment that caused her to lose some of her hair. Embarrassed by her appearance, she experimented with a variety of home-made remedies and products made by another black woman entrepreneur, Annie Malone. In 1905, Sarah became a sales agent for Malone and moved to Denver, where she married Charles Joseph Walker. Madam Walker's Wonderful Hair GrowerChanging her name to Madame CJ Walker, Sarah founded her own business and began selling her own product called Madam Walker's Wonderful Hair Grower, a scalp conditioning and healing formula. To promote her products, she embarked on an exhausting sales drive throughout the South and Southeast selling her products door to door, giving demonstrations, and working on sales and marketing strategies. In 1908, she opened a college in Pittsburgh to train her "hair culturists." The Walker SystemEventually, her products formed the basis of a thriving national corporation employing at one point over 3,000 people. Her Walker System, which included a broad offering of cosmetics, licensed Walker Agents, and Walker Schools offered meaningful employment and personal growth to thousands of Black women. Madame Walker's aggressive marketing strategy combined with relentless ambition led her to be labeled as the first known African-American woman to become a self-made millionaire.Having amassed a fortune in fifteen years, this pioneering businesswoman died at the age of 52. Her prescription for success was perseverance, hard work, faith in herself and in God, "honest business dealings" and of course, quality products. "There is no royal flower-strewn path to success," she once observed. "And if there is, I have not found it - for if I have accomplished anything in life it is because I have been willing to work hard."
Improved Permanent Wave MachineAn employee of Madame CJ Walker's empire,Marjorie Joyner invented an improved permanent wave machine. This device patented in 1928, curled or "permed" women's hair for a relatively lengthy period of time. The wave machine was popular among women white and black allowing for longer-lasting wavy hair styles. Joyner went on to become a prominent figure in Madame CJ Walker's industry, though she never profited directly from her invention, the assigned intellectual property of the Walker Company. Madame Walker on Herself"I am a woman who came from the cotton fields of the South. From there I was promoted to the washtub. From there I was promoted to the cook kitchen. And from there I promoted myself into the business of manufacturing hair goods and preparations. I have built my own factory on my own ground" - Madame WalkerPrevious
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No! Madame C. J. Walker never even had an education. That is why it was so hard for her to accomplish being the first African American woman to become a millionare.
She first sold her "Wonderful Hair Grower" and then her Glossine, Tetter Salve, and Vegetable Shampoo. Her original products are still being manufactured.
[what did madam cJ walker do for a life long living ]
Madam C. J. Walker, who lived from 1867 to 1919, was an early twentieth century entrepreneur, philanthropist and political activist. She was a pioneer of the modern hair care and cosmetics industries and founded the Mme. C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company in 1906. She developed a line of hair care products for African American women. She trained thousands of women in her system of "beauty culture" and helped them become financially independent at a time when very few job opportunities were open to black women. She also contributed thousands of dollars to groups like the NAACP, the YMCA, the YWCA and numerous schools and colleges.Where did Madam C. J. Walker go to high school?Where did Madam C. J. Walker go to college?Madam C. J. Walker was unable to get a formal education as a young girl because there were no public schools for black children in Madison Parish, Louisiana where she grew up during the 1870s. Later in life, she attended night school classes and hired a private tutor. During the late 1800s very few Americans graduated from high school or college.
Madame C.J. Walker Biographynée Sarah breedlove, byname madame c.j. walker( 1867 - 1919 )related peopleLangston hughesrelated sitesthe official madam c. j. walker siteentrepreneur and philanthropist. born Sarah breedlove on December 23, 1867, in delta, Louisiana. madam c. j. walker was one of the first female African-American entrepreneurs. orphaned at the age of seven, she was raised by an elder sister. walker married to moses mcwilliams at age 14 in Vicksburg. widowed at age 20 with a daughter, a lelia, she moved to st. Louis and attended public night schools and worked days as a washerwoman.driven by her own struggles with hair loss during 1890s, madam c. j. walker began experimenting with different hair care treatments and products. in 1905 she invented a method for straightening African-Americans' "kinky" hair: her method involved her own formula for a pomade, much brushing, and the use of heated combs. encouraged by her success, she moved to denver, Colorado, where she married Charles j. walker. she promoted her method and products by traveling about the country giving lecture-demonstrations. her business became so successful that she opened an office in Pittsburgh in 1908, which she left in the charge of her 1910 madam c. j. walker settled in Indianapolis. it was there that she established the headquarters of madame c. j. walker laboratories to manufacture cosmetics and train her sales beauticians. these "walker agents" became well known throughout the black communities of the united states and the Caribbean. they in turn promoted madame walker's philosophy of "cleanliness and loveliness" as aids to advancing the status of African-Americans. an innovator, she organized clubs and conventions for her representatives which recognized not only successful sales, but also philanthropic and educational efforts among African-Americans.madam c. j. walker died on may 25, 1919, at her home in irvington-on-Hudson, New York. at the time of her death, madam c. j. walker was sole owner of her business, which was valued at more than $1 million. her personal fortune was around $600,000 to $700,000. she left one-third of her estate went to her daughter-who herself became well known as a supporter of the Harlem renaissance-the remainder to various philanthropies. her business strategies and philosophies inspired countless others.
Madame C J walker was born December 23, 1867
Madame C J Walker accomplishments are making hair products
Madame C. J. Walker died on May 25, 1919, when she was 51 years old she died of hypertension
my house lol
no where she did not go to collage
picking cotton fileds
madame c j. walker
Madame C. J. Walker lived in Vicksburg, MS; Indianapolis IN; Denver, CO; St. Louis, MO; and New York City.
her parent own a cotton field
Madame CJ WalkerSarah Breedlove Aka: Madame CJ Walker