The staple food supply of the Shang dynasties was millet, but rice and wheat were also eaten. Animals bones that were discovered cause speculation that hunting was for leisure not for food.
Family ties wer important because Shang believed their ancestors could help them in a time of need. Shang would show respect by giving their ancestors food,wine and special prayers.
Actually there are only 6 characteristics. - Stable Food Supply - Social Classes - Government - Culture (Religion, tradition etc..) - Specialized Labor - Language
new agriculture
Yes people ate. The food supply was in peril, but it never reached the level of mass starvation.
they were acomplished diplomats
there food were crops
stable food supply is having enough food to feed civilization
As a civilization, you have to have seven different qualities. One of them is a stable food supply. As we all know, Athens was a civilization, therefore, they had a stable food supply.
yes they did
Yes they did
Without a stable fod supply, you can focus on nothing but living so your society cannot grow.
Yes there is a very stable demand for agri supply. As the population increases more food is needed and more supplies in which too make the food.
If it has enough for people.:)