the revolution led to many changes in France. the revolution
led to development of new political forces such as democracy and nationlism. The revolution also gave new meanings and ideas to the political ideas of the people . The reign of terror largely administered by Danton and Robespierre saw the behadine of many members of the royalty including Marie Antoniette and countless others who were members of the French court. As France struggled under ineffective leadership that changed very little . Napoleon was able to return from a campaign in Egypt and seize power with militry help. French culture was the emergence of middle class.
The French Revolution of 1789 changed to status of women. After the revolution, women were viewed as capable in performing certain tasks that were thought to be of men.
the impact that it had on the revolution of France was the fact that it the people of france started to believe in what they thought and not what others thought. they started to follow the philiphers
The French revolution was extremely hostile to the Catholic Church. They guillotined priests, nuns, and sisters by the hundreds, desecrated Churches, and destroyed priceless relics; leaving the common people bereft of spiritual guidance and solace.
The French Revolution gave the world a different model from the American Revolution. The American Revolution was a giving of rights taken away or an extension of rights. The Bill of Rights in the Constitution simply listed rights that various kings had previously affirmed belonged to all Englishmen. The American Revolution limited the tyranny government could do. The French Revolution on the other hand presented a violent overthrow of the old order. It was not an evolutionary change but a revolutionary change. Many revolutionary groups chose to follow the French style of Revolution. The main one was communism. The politburo was a thinly disguised committee on public safety. It served the same purpose. Stalin was Robespierre. They begin with high sounding rhetoric. It had a dream based on platitudes. It disintegrates into chaos. The dream that a people can live by platitudes keeps appearing and never works. A group takes over the government and becomes terrorist. The impact of the French Revolution has been to destroy the old order. Like the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution and the Chinese Revolution destroyed the old landowning nobility. All revolutions based on the French Revolution do that. Then internal corruption brings the collapse of the revolution. When no other way is seen to exist to get rid of a powerful entrenched nobility, a French revolution may occur. When the task is to prevent a return of tyranny as it was in Germany after World War 2, an American Revolution may occur.
The actions of Louis XIV effected the economy of France in a multitude of ways. The most clear way was by his policy of war. He was involved in numerous wars throughout his reign. These were very expensive. He greatly taxed the peasants and farmers instead of the noble class which was tax-exempt. These heavy taxes lead to economic problems and poverty of France.
The very concept of individual rights and personal freedoms for the individual citizen posed a serious threat to Nations who still operated under the feudal system. Enlightenment had its distractors and the Catholic Church was one of the leading opponents of such radical ideals.
the impact that it had on the revolution of France was the fact that it the people of france started to believe in what they thought and not what others thought. they started to follow the philiphers
the french care so much about the revolution because it made a massive impact on, not just France, but Europe! if the revolution had not happened, France and possibly even the rest of Europe would not be what it is today. France might still have estates, kings and bad execution habits but because of this revolution, people all around Europe started to realise what France had become. i hope this answer is helpful :)
do we have the same DBQ? I'm looking for the answer right now :)
it led to the fall of the french monarch
The French Revolution
he didn't
Re-establishing Catholicism in France Modernizing Paris Promoting public education
go to spark notes
The French Revolution
France had a debt of $11 million because of supplies and other military service at the end of the American Revolution.