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Q: What is the only country in the world to still have an emperor?
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What is the only country in the world to be ruled by an emperor?


What is unique about Japan?

Japan is the only country in the world to have an Emperor as head of state. Japan copied almost everthing from china and Korea

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The Vatican City is the only country in the world where Latin is still used as the main language for official and religious purposes.

What are the countries that are ruled by the emperors?

The only country in the world that currently has an emperor is Japan. An emperor is higher up than a king, but the japanese dont really have an empire made up of different kingdoms, so it's an empty title. The japanese ruling family is believed to be descended from the sun godess Amaterasu of japanese mythology.

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The country of the United States uses the standard unit of measurement system. We are the only country in the world that still uses it.

Does China have an Emperor?

The only country left in the world with a Monarch who bears the title of Emperor is that of Japan. Countries which, in the past, had emperors are that of: China, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Vietnam and Korea.

What did roman emperor Nero do before he became emperor?

Before he became emperor, Nero was still at school, studying under Seneca. Remember, Nero was only 17 years old when he became emperor.

When ancient rome became an empire was there still senators?

Yes, the senate was still maintained but it only had the power to flatter or agree with the emperor.

Do emperors still exist today?

There term 'Emporer' can refer to any Dynastic ruling party, so, in terms of Complete Monarchies, here is a list of Dynastic countries: Saudi Arabia Nepal United Kingdom ( Constitutional ) Many African tribes

How many king were there in china?

if you count in the emperor when china separated into several small parts ,that would be 558.if you only count in the emperor when china was a unitive country that would be 230

What is the only country to hold two means world cup?

Mexico is the only country to hold two world cups.

What country does Kosovo belong to?

Kosovo is currently a self-declared independent country. However, Serbia still lays claim to it and only around half of the world's nations have recognized Kosovo.