Not mistake. He was the biggest and worst fanatical psychopath in world HISTORY. There are so many things he did to ensure that he had ultimate power over everything he owned, that if they were allowed to without much resistance from the Nazis, a majority of Germans and Germany's conquered people would have risen up to overthrow the evil and savagery that was the Nazi reign.
Most of the world feels that the Central Powers were evil. During WW1, the Central Powers included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.
The Saar did not cause World War 2. It was returned peacefully to Germany after a plebiscite (referendum) in 1935.
cause: more than 10 countries to be at war Effect: U.s. is feared around the world
We remember World War Two because it was the most successful attempt by an evil dictator to take over the civilised world and many people gave their lives to stop him.
That would be the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. He will destroy all evil at that time.
It is the Ultimate Prankster
jin because he can turn into devil jin and cause hes evil and in this world evil will always prevail.
No he wasn't. There was no "sole" cause it was the outcome of the result of World War I and he just added to the cause by being an evil vindictive dictator.
yes it is
cause god gave us a mind of our own and we used it in the wrong way
The ultimate hero; one who embodies all the best and brightest of a world where evil seems to rule and injustice is just another word for the way things are.
Not necessarily are they the cause of evil. God has given everyone free choice. People can choose to be good or evil.
Ultimate cause refers to the primary or fundamental reason behind something happening. It aims to identify the root cause that leads to all subsequent events or outcomes.
World Ultimate was created on 1995-02-28.