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Silk is the material produced by the silk worm to make its cocoon. The Chinese were the first to produce silk. The knowledge of doing it was kept as a big secret because silk was very expensive and the people who sold it got very rich.

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Q: What nation did silk come from?
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Related questions

Where do silk strands come from?

The silk strands come from the cocoon.

Where does silk really come from?

silk comes from a silk worm, which is harvested and spun to create silk.

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Where in the world does silk come from?

it comes from a silk worm that are in china. So, silk comes from china :)

Where does the material silk fabric come from?

Silk fabric is woven from stands of silk secreted by the silkworm.

What is habotai silk made of?

Habotai Silk is just silk made with a certain weave. Silk fibres come from the cocoons of silkworms.

What nation invented silk making?

China invented Silk in 2400 BC Yuen Fei invented it. She was a mistress in an Emperor's household

Where does silk come from what happens to the cocoon?

Silk comes from the cocoon spun by the silk work. The cocoon is unwound and the silk is then processed for use by humans.

Where does raw silk come from?

From silkworms.

Where does cotton come from where does linen come from where does silk come from where does wool come from?

Linen is made from the fibres of the flax plant. Wool is from the fleece of an animal such as the sheep or alpaca. Silk is a thread unwound from a cocoon of a silkworm. Cotton is a thread made from the cotton plant.

Raw materials for silk cloth?

The raw materials for silk come from the tiny creature known as the silk worm, which is the caterpillar of the silk moth Bombyx mori.

What animal does silk comes from?

it comes from silk worms