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The questions you may want to ask differs on what area you want to know about. Here are some areas for examples:
  • Tanks and Guns During World War 2
  • How civilians coped during the war?
  • Cause of WW2
  • Result/Consequences of World War 2
  • Who was involved?
  • How many people died
  • How did it end
  • Battles of World War 2
  • Massacres/Genocide during and after World War 2 e.g. the Holocaust and the Dachau Massacre.
There is many more areas.

Various areas such as: the Holocaust, Cause of World War 2 can be quitecontroversialand people may have their views abut it.

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Q: What questions would you ask about world war 2?
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Please ask one question at a time. Both of these questions have already been answered, so look up "When did World War I End?" and "How many people died in World War I?"

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It is almost impossible to answer such questions. No one is able to say what the world would be like if something had not happened. It is equally difficult with similar questions that ask what would be different had the outcome of something been different. Had Germany won the first or second world war for instance. Many fictional authors create speculative stories on such premises. But that is all they are, speculation.

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Heres a good one; What war were you fighting in?

What if World War 1 didn't happen?

If world war one had not happened then I don't think that world war two would have happened. Sometimes you have to ask yourself: What did it achieve? If you can't come up with an good answer then there was almost no point in the world war one. If world war one had not happened then there would probably not have been a world war two!

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What are the questions and answers mostly asked about world war 1?

Mostly the questions asked would be about how WW1 started and how long it has lasted. Also some questions have been asked about the trenches in WW1.

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there WAS NO war so please don't ask these non educational questions