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Q: What sequence of events started World War 1?
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What were key events that started world war 1?

one of them is the sinking of the Luisitania

How did the rise of fascism affect world events following world war 1?

The rise of Fascism after World War I had serious effects on world events. Several countries, such as Spain, Italy and Germany had Fascist dictators at the head of their governments. These changes eventually started World War II.

Did world war begin in Europe?

World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.

What does Archduke Ferdinand have to do with World War 1?

The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand started the chain of events that that led to war in August of 1914.

How did the rise of fascism affect worlds events following World War 1?

The rise of Fascism after World War I had serious effects on world events. Several countries, such as Spain, Italy and Germany had Fascist dictators at the head of their governments. These changes eventually started World War II.

What are some world events from 1918?

World War 1 ended and the influenza pandemic started, which would kill more people.

At which point in the sequence of events does The War of the Worlds begin?

(Apex) The end, recounting events that happened in the past.

What event let to World War 1?

Many events led to world war1 but the main event that started the war was when archduke Franz Ferdinand of austria-Hungary was assassinated by a serbian terrorist Many events led to world war1 but the main event that started the war was when archduke Franz Ferdinand of austria-Hungary was assassinated by a serbian terrorist

Use sequence in a sentence?

I am studying the sequence of events that led to the outbreak of the war.

What major events where happening in the world?

World War I, World War II, and the moon landing are major world events.

Which choice shows the proper sequence of the final events of the War of 1812?

Cry me a river.

How did they do World War 1 and World War 2?

In world war 1,germany started the war,but in world war 2,japan started it and usa ended the war