

What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful-?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Checks and balances stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

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Q: What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful-?
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What are the three stops in theTriangular Trade?

The three points of the triangular trade were Britain, West Africa and the West Indies.

How did the granny police get their name?

the Granny police got there name because they would usually be an older person who stops any mothers from disobeying the one child policy

How does war impact world hunger?

War is a political cause for hunger. War slows or stops food production and marketing. Food supplies are often taken and used for soldiers during war, crop cycles are interrupted, seeds and livestock are consumed in desperation, and children suffer lasting health damage as a result of insufficient food. Even if fighting never occurs, heavy military spending takes away from food production, education, and health care.

When is the Lumbering season in Canada and why?

Lumbering activity is carried out in winter ,when the ground is covered with snow because ; 1.the cut logs can be easily hauled over the frozen ground and piled on the frozen rivers to be transported later ,when the ice melts in spring. 2.,some farmers also double up as lumberjacks because crop cultivation comes to a standstill during the winter months.

Was northampton going to be the capital of England?

According to a few articles online, Northampton was actually capital of England from 931 for a couple of hundred years. I have not found any sources for these claims yet. Northampton has got a cathedral, although it is a Roman Catholic one instead of an Anglican one. Ironically, though that stops Northampton being designated a city now, it wouldn't have in the few hundred years between England's unification and the start of the Anglican church.

Related questions

What stops from one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

Checks and balances stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

What stops what branch of government from becoming too powerful?

The bill of rights

What is the name of the system that stops one branch of the government from becoming too powerful?

Separation of powers.

What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful in US?

no it's not and I have to do a debate on why it isn't!

What stops one branch of government from becoming tooo powerful?

checks and balances seperation of powers

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Checks and balances

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the legislative branch stop one of gornment from becoming too powerful..

What stops one branch of government to becoming too powerful?

What stops one branch of government from becoming to powerful is another government branch through "checks and balances."

What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

Checks and Balances and Separation of Powers, source: US Constitution.

What stops on branch for becoming too powerful?

the checks and balances system, its a system were each branch can prevent the other branch from being to powerful.

What stops ine branch of government from becoming too powerful?

Well first you should learn the correct spelling of ANY. Secondly the answer is separation of powers.

What stops branches of government from becoming too powerful?

The Bill of Rights