Emperor Qin Shi Huang unified China by introducing new currency, enforcing a unified writing system, abolishing feudalism and built the Great Wall of China. He is considered both a tyrant and a benevolent leader.
Answer this question… the communist People's Republic of China taking control of mainland China.
The Taiwan Strait (Pacific Ocean). Taiwan Strait
Aristocracy Gentry.
Hong Kong
According to geography experts, a nation that belongs to mainland China that is approximately 144 East and 22 North is Hong Kong.
Hong Kong ____________________ 1) Hong Kong already belongs to China. 2) It is not and never was a country. It was a British colony.
South China Sea does not belong to any one just like Indian Ocean. China and Taiwan claim it since 1947 but no nation has recognized since China and Taiwan are both Chinese.
peoples' republic of china
It belong to China
One china is made out of the mainland China, with Beiging as its capital, while the other is of Taiwan, an Island, that does not follow mainland Chinas view or rule.
mainland China
Korea gave tribute to mainland China
The nationalists fled to Taiwan after the communists took over Mainland China.
Yes, Super Junior is very popular in mainland China as the pop group has a large fanbase.
Mainland China has two definitions. One is the Chinese mainland or simly the mainland, a geographic and political term to describe the geopolitical area under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic od China. The secon is the area South from Great Wall and North from the Yellow River, which is called the "HeavenLand".