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Q: What two nations competed for industrial dominance of Europe?
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What two nations competed for industrial dominance in Europe prior to world war 1?

The two nations that competed for industrial dominance in Europe was Germany and Great Britain.

Which two nations competed for industrial dominance of Europe during the early 1900s?

The two nations competed for industrial dominance of Europe during the early 1900s were Germany and England. It eventually led to World War I. With a good deal of certainty, WW1 was caused by the fight for industrial prominence of either nation.

What towo nations competed for Europe's largest army?

France and the United Kingdom.

Which two countries competed for industrial domination in Europe during the late 1800s?

Great Britain and Germany vied for the industrial domination of Europe in the late 19th century.

Were industrial nations in europe needed to expand their economies?

The industrial nations in Europe needed to expand their economies so as to improve trade between them and other continents. This is what was commonly referred to as imperialism.

Why do most nations in Western Europe have a higher standard of living?

it started the Industrial Revolution.

What were the major industrial nations of Europe in 1840?

In 1840 there were very few 'major industrial nations' in Europe. * Britain was easily the leading industrial country. * Belgium, though small, was industrializing fast at the time. * France (Possible candidates in Central Europe in 1840 might have included Saxony and Bohemia, but they had only just started to industrialize).

How did Imperialsim help ignite the war in Europe?

There were nations in Europe that competed each other with supplying raw materials and provided markets for manufactured goods.

What is a core nation?

A core nation is a powerful and economically advanced country that plays a dominant role in the global economy. These nations typically have advanced industrial sectors, strong political influence, and often exploit resources and labor from peripheral nations to maintain their economic dominance. Core nations are typically located in North America, Western Europe, and parts of Asia.

Competed for by Europe early on?

Southern Africa

What part of Africa is competed for by Europe early on?

east Africa

Why were England and Spain rivals?

For most of the Early Modern Period in European History, Spain and England were rivals for primarily one reason: they, like all major nations in Europe at the time, were vying for greater glory and greater wealth alike. In a world seen as limited in its material resources, the accumulation of which was equivalent to political and economic dominance (as well as glory), nations with the means and will to do so engaged in often violent competition in order to achieve dominance.