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Q: What type of government system is most prevalent around the world?
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Great britains great contribution to modern governments around the world is the development of which system of government?

a paliamentary system

Great Britain's great contribution to modern governments around the world is the development of which system of government?

Britain's great contribution to modern government was the development of the parliamentary system. Under the system, constituents elect members of parliament to represent them in government.

What is the most popular system of government in the world?

the most popular system of government is the unity system, in which there is no regional representation just a national government (like in a federal system), and the national government holds most of the power

Which system is Australia's constitution based on?

The constitution draws on many political systems around the world, principally the British and American systems of government.

What type of government was Greece's gift to the world?

The democratic government system, or Democracy.

How did the US government change during World War 1?

The government system shrank

What do government do?

The government help every thing like school money to place around the world the government had deal on the money around the world. that what government means

Is India's government democratic?

India has a democratic system of government. It is the largest democratic country in the world.

How prevalent are black markets in today's world?

According to specialist websites and magazines such as The Economist, Investopedia and Freakonomics, black markets are extremely prevalent in today's world. It is estimated that black markets account for 22.67% of GDP and have become more prevalent during this particular world recession.

What was the system of government in Germany in world war 2?

Fascist dictatorship.

What system of government did Ital have during world war 2?


What organ system allows the body to send and respond to the world around it?

The nervous system allows the body to send and receive messages and respond to the world around it.