Life on board of a colonial ship was cramped with a lot of people. There was not much food and what food there was, was salty. The people spent most of their time praying. Many people got sick and died.
The English came to America by English ships. They built their ships and used them for long voyages.
Eyes like willy's
a ship
it looked like a joke
The biggest issue that has carried over from the colonial period to now is that people who have a business interest feel like their desires are ruined by strict regulations. Both people in the colonial period and people now experienced over regulation.
Life on board of a colonial ship was cramped with a lot of people. There was not much food and what food there was, was salty. The people spent most of their time praying. Many people got sick and died.
colonial life was like a stopid country
It was boring
how was life like for colonial priests/preachers
Life in colonial America was very simple. Everyday life included things like, farming, outhouses, candles for light, and cooking on an open fire.
It was horrible
i'm guessing they were the people doing all the sailing so i guess they always lived on a ship only touching land for a couple weeks at a time. but you have to see, noone will ever know what it feels like to be a sailor in colonial times.