Nuremberg war trials book essay write a 5 paragraph essay. do you believe that the war crimes exhibited democracy in action? were the war trials necessary? how did the trials and information released during them impact future warfare? what did you think of the book?
pls give me a good answer. I forgot to read the book and its due in 2 days.
i assume you mean the nuremburg trials? if so, then these occured as a result of world war two. The nuremburg trials was the trial of the major nazi figureheads and more notorious war criminals from Germany. these included head of the ss heinrich himmler, head of the luftwaffe (German air force) Herman goering among others. there were 22 tried in total, though this was only the number tried at the main trials - there were plenty of other lower order Nazis tried. most where sentenced to death, or long jail terms.
Nothing during, but after they held the famous Nuremberg Trials, where many Nazi leaders and scientist were convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity. They were then sentenced to death, or sent to Area 51 to work for the US, no joke.
The entire world blamed Germany and the Nazis for all the deaths and genocide of the Jews. They blamed the Germans for not killing Hitler at the begginning. They blamed the criminals at the Nuremburg Trials for not stopping all the atrocities and for not stopping Hitler.
The Nuremberg Trials
After the surrender of Germany in 1945 Allies arranged Nuremberg trials to try war criminals. These trials were held in Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremburg War Trials .
These would be the Nuremburg Trials in Bavaria.
those were the nuremburg trials.
Nuremburg Germany
Those being prosecuted for war crimes.
It might be Nazi War Crimes Trial.Trial of the Major War Criminals is an alternate search term for the Nuremburg Trials on Wikipedia.
It was called the Nuremburg Trials.
The Nuremburg Trials
There were a series of War Crimes trials at Nuremburg, Germany.
The crimes committed by members of the Nazi party during World War II.
The Nuremburg trials were trials meant to find men guilty or innocent of War Crimes. The people involved were the Nazi war criminals and Allied judges.