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D-Day was the single largest Land-Sea-Air operation in Military history with more then 160,000 Allied troops landing along a 50 mile stretch of beach. 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft were along to support the landing.

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Q: What was the largest land-sea-air operation in history?
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Was d day the largest military operation in us history?

No, while Operation Overlord (the Allied landings at Normandy) is the largest amphibious invasion in history with over 156,000 invading troops taking part in the landing, Operation Barbarossa (the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941) is the largest overall invasion in history, involving 4,500,000 troops and nearly resulting in the captures of Moscow and Leningrad.

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Not sure, but possibly Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the USSR in 1941.

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Yes 3,000,000 allied soldiers participated in it

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