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The main difference is their governments. The colonies were governed by a foreign power. Protectorates had their own internal government but were under the control of an outside power.

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Q: What was the main difference between European colonies and their protectorates in Africa?
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Which of is the following is a similarity between European imperialism in India and in Africa?

Europeans used military force to dominate native peoples and establish permanent colonies.

Why did so many European Nations acquire colonies in Africa between 1870-1914?

This practice of having colonies was called Imperialism and there were several reasons for it. This was durinbg the time of industrialization, when nations were building factories and mass-producing things. Colonies were a way to get cheap natural resources and cheap labor. They also created new markets for selling the things that the factories produced. More than just an econimic issue, colonies were a badge of status. The more colonies a nation had, the more powerful it was. It was basically a competition between the nations.

How would European relations with Africa change between the 1880s and 1914?

Without a doubt, European colonies became more numerous and supplied wealth to European colonial powers. Better technologies and more aggression increased in the era between 1880 and 1914. It can be said with some risk, that if Germany had long before began a colonial empire their chances in WW 1 would have been better.

Which of the following describes a major difference between the first and second waves of European imperialism?

Only the second wave was motivated by a need for natural resources for industrialization.

What was the difference between the Incas and the European?

The Incas were a Native American tribe in Mexico and lived by their culture while the Europeans came to enslave the people they found and take their land.

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What is the difference between colonies protectorates and the spheres of influence?

Colonies are territories controlled and governed by a foreign power. Protectorates are areas under the control of a more powerful state that provides security and guidance to the local government. Spheres of influence are regions where a state has significant political or economic influence but may not have direct control.

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The Spanish were interested in aquiring gold and silver.

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They're in two different areas.

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There is only one difference.That difference is that they have it in European.

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England was in charge of the New England colonies. Where the middle colonies had their own government.

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