The main reason for this is that similar working day schedules around the world.
The Rebellions of 1837, which happened in Canada, lacked popular support among with public, which is one significant reason why the rebellions failed. The participants also lacked sufficient military experience.
there was lots of reason, why there was a fight in Europe but the main reason was Germany and France wore fighting for strongest navy.
To help the pioneers do work (for slavery).
reason was the show of wealth n power.
The Spanish Armada failed.
whats the main reason Britans claim to all lands between Newfoundland and florida failed
Not understanding the cause.
The Spanish Armada was important because the main reason for sailing towards England in 1588 was to overthrow the English throne and Queen Elizabeth I. The Spanish Armada was an invincible until it was defeated by the English naval ships. The invasion of England was thwarted.
The State Government had too much power
The Spanish Armada tried to attack England through the Rocky Coast of Ireland, but they failed. The ships of the Spanish Armada were destroyed when they hit the Rock of the Rocky Coast of Ireland.
The main reason was bad weather between Spain and England. Another key point was a year before the Armada left Sir Francis Drake Sailed to Spain and sabotaged the armada
The defeated English Armada
They protect the coast of england. They were the main reason why the British defeated the Spanish Armada. One of them was Sir Frances Drake
King Phillip II of Spain
They protect the coast of england. They were the main reason why the British defeated the Spanish Armada. One of them was Sir Frances Drake
Japan and china