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Q: What was the system before money called?
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What is Mayan money called?

They didn't have a money system, they bartered.

The system of exchange goods without the use of money is called?

This is called the barter system.

How would we get things without money?

Before money existed - and even today! - people trade something that they have or something they can do for something someone else has or can do. It's called the barter system.

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What is the system that had goods and services exchanged before the development of money?

The "Barter" or "Bartering" system.

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What does Cherokee money system look like?

The Cherokee, as well as all other Native Tribes, had no money system (or concept of money) before the introduction of such by colonists from Europe.

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It is the Mexican peso. For Future reference it is called a currency not money system.

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Money in Paris looks the same as the money anywhere else. Except french.

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