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hard, had to live in shelters underground that stinks(find out names yourself).Also they had to make a blackout where you have to use dark clothing and put it in the place of your curtains, use no lights otherwise you will be bombed by the attacters.

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Q: What was world war 1 like for citizens?
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What did us citizens have to do to support World War 1?

buy war bonds

What did the us citizens conserve in World War 1?

ammo . . ' ```

Citizens that help in world war 1?

yes, citizens helped by making: - organzations - women did many of the things to help the war by mitts, and clothing.

Which war cost more British lives World War I or World War 2?

World War 2 as the citizens were shelled by a lot more airplanes than World War 1 by Germany.

What was life like for citizens of Romania during the World War 1?

some of us tried to escape and it was hard some manged to be some couldn't.

Which of the following best describes why the poster below would have been created during World War 1?

To convince citizens to participate in a total war

Why did Hoover's volunteerism fail?

once people understood exactly what war was like after World War 1 nobody wanted to volunteer anymore, Businesses and citizens acted in their individual best interests.

How does government raise money World War 1?

The government did many thing for the war. Exp. taxed the citizens, and but war bonds onto them.

How did the government get its citizens to back their country's efforts in world war 1?

by pursuasding them with propaganda posters

Did The purchase of Liberty Bonds were the main way in which the US financed World War 1 and it showed patriotism by its citizens?

Yes, the purchase of Liberty Bonds was the main way in which the US financed World War 1 adn it showed patriotism by it's citizens.

How many British citizens civilians died in World War 1?

i love me some vajayjay.....i eat it smash it finger it whatever she like it is unknown exactly how many died

Advertising for liberty bonds during world war 1 encouraged citizens to?

Loan money to the government for the war effort