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Robbespierre had no broad view of the future of France. What he had was a situation where France was being invaded by armies bent on restoring king Louis XVI, and uprisings in France itself against the revolutionary government. Like many regimes who have their backs against the wall, the revolutionary leaders appointed a 'committee for public safety' to forcibly weed out all "enemies of the Revolution", real or percieved. So under Robberspierre's directions, generals who were unsuccesful against the foreign troops were fired from their posts and executed, the uprisings in the French provinces were surpressed with great harshness and thousands of executions and in Paris itself, anyone vaguely suspected of anything un-revolutionary was dragged to the guillotine. Robbespierre, who called himself 'the purest of the pure', had no other goal than just to liquidate all enemies of the revolution.

Only finally he went overboard, starting to see colleagues and Members of Parliament (his paymasters) as enemies of the State and announcing that he shortly would expose them and have them executed. That very swiftly put an end to his career. He was arrested and after a very brief show trial in one of the Kangaroo courts he had established himself, he was taken to the guillotine the next day and executed.

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Robespierre created a committee of public safety, which ironically apprehended and killed citizens who were against the revolution. He created a Dictatorship.

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Q: What were maximilien robespierre's ideas for the french revolution?
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