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Q: What were the four MAIN underlying causes of World War 1?
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What is MAIN during World War 1?

it is an acronym for the four main causes; militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.

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Describe the four causes of World War I?

The 4 main causes of World War 1 are:militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.________________________________________The four main long term causes were militarism, secret aliances, imperialism and nationalism. The main short term cause is the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand (heir to the Austrian throne). He was shot by Gavrilo Pricip after the attempted bombing failed.

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What were BIG causes of World War 1?

The proximate cause of WW1 is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. There are four main causes of the starting of WW1. They were Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. In militarism countries aggressively built their nations armed forces. For the alliances, each nation in the allies protected the others. Imperialism is when the countries competed to control other colonies, and nationalism is the devotion to your nation. These are the four main causes of WW1.

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The four causes of the First World War are; * Imperialism * The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria * Germany invading Belgium on it's way to fight France * Militariasm The various causes of World War Two are; * Germany looking for revenge after World War One * Adolf Hitler (Germany) looking to take over the world