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The church's would of united

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Q: What would happen if Thomas Becket didn't die?
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What was the argument between becket and Henry?

well the argument between them was about Henry making thomas becket the archbishop of cantubury and Henry thought that if thomas was made archbishop then thomas would follow all of henrrys rules and would help Henry by taking money from the poor and making himself even richer but what he didnt no was that when he made thomas archbishop he would betray him and when thomas did become archbishop of Canterbury he decided to help his people not his king .Henry then got really mad with thomas and said "will there be no rid of this troublesome priest?" and that's when four knights overheard him and decided to get rid of him once and for all and that is how becket died

Why was thomas becket a trouble maker?

Thomas Becket was a troublemaker because he bought trouble and problems to Henry. When he resigned as chancellor this was called an unfriendly act and when Becket did this he decided that he would turn against the King and he would go along with the church as well . Also when he was in court he walked out and this was a very stupid thing to do and it caused trouble for Henry.

What were the possible motives for the murder of Thomas Becket?

The people who killed Thomas Becket were 4 knights of King HenryII because they over heard a conversation saying that the king wanted Thomas gone. To show their loyalty they went to the cathedral.The knights tried to get Thomas out of Whatever the King said, it was interpreted as a royal command, and four knights, set out to the cathedral and tried to get Thomas out of the building (killing someone in a sacred place meant damnation) but he would not move so they struck his head with a sword and then stabbed him. The four knights were Reginald FitzUrs, Hugh de Moreville, William de Tracy and Richard le Breton. Henry the II made the remark in his room, " Who will rid me of this terbulent priest?" Henry actually said this out of anger but not in front of the four knights, they simply over heard him.

Why Thomas Becket is a Martyr?

Thomas A. Becket was an Archbishop of Canterbury in the 12th century. He stood up to the king in matters of the church and fled to France after falling out of favor with the king. Upon his return, he was confronted and murdered by several knights who believed that the king would desire it.

What did Henry ii do after thomas Beckett died?

He was very remorseful because many hsitorians think that he did not want Becket murdered. After Becket's death Henry paid penance and walked the streets topless and got whipped by monks to spare his sins.

Related questions

What was the argument between becket and Henry?

well the argument between them was about Henry making thomas becket the archbishop of cantubury and Henry thought that if thomas was made archbishop then thomas would follow all of henrrys rules and would help Henry by taking money from the poor and making himself even richer but what he didnt no was that when he made thomas archbishop he would betray him and when thomas did become archbishop of Canterbury he decided to help his people not his king .Henry then got really mad with thomas and said "will there be no rid of this troublesome priest?" and that's when four knights overheard him and decided to get rid of him once and for all and that is how becket died

How old is Thomas Becket?

Thomas Becket was born on December 21, 1118 and died on December 29, 1170. Thomas Becket would have been 52 years old at the time of death or 896 years old today.

What does the a stand for in Thomas a Becket?

Thomas Becket was never called "Thomas a Becket" during his life, nor for many hundreds of years after his death. It is a later mistake and should be treated as such.He was born in England in 1118 of noble Norman parents; his father was Gilbert Becket, who was possibly sheriff of London. Thomas was most often called "Thomas of London" during the early part of his life.In Anglo-Norman French, the language he would have used among his own family, the word a can mean at, in, located in, on, against, around, to, as far as, towards. . . and many more prepositional meanings. If he had been Thomas a Becket, then the element Becket would have to be a place-name, in order for the a to make any sense.The problem is that there is not (and has never been) a place in England called Becket, so Thomas a Becket is not a sensible or feasible name for anyone to have.He was plain Thomas Becket and that is how he should be known everywhere today.

Were can you get facts about thomas becket?

If all you want is a few facts, any encyclopedia would do. Wikipedia has a nice article on Becket. A link is below. There are many books on Becket. A local library would probably have one.

Why would pilgrims have gone to visit Thomas Becket shrine in Canterbury?

Pilgrims have gone to visit Thomas Becket shrine in Canterbury because he was a credit to them and he died for them so they prayed for him. Also because they thought he was a good person, so they worship God, at his shrine. That is so that they can become like Thomas Becket was, in order for them so that one day somebody can have the position that Becket had before he died.

Who was murdered in his cathedral in Canterbury England in 1170?

St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, was martyred in his Cathedral. You can read the entire account here:

Why was thomas becket a trouble maker?

Thomas Becket was a troublemaker because he bought trouble and problems to Henry. When he resigned as chancellor this was called an unfriendly act and when Becket did this he decided that he would turn against the King and he would go along with the church as well . Also when he was in court he walked out and this was a very stupid thing to do and it caused trouble for Henry.

Why wouldn't Thomas Becket leave the cathedral?

We cannot know for sure why Thomas Becket refused to leave the cathedral with the knights who came to get him. But from what I have read of Thomas Becket, I would guess it was because he was praying, and he was not about to stop praying just because four knights were threatening him with swords. The statements we get from the time indicate, in fact, that when they first struck him with the swords, wounding him, he continued praying.

What type of people would have gone to a pilgrimage Thomas Becket?

peps who were Christian

What did the monks sell to pilgrimage in the middle ages?

a monk called st Anthony the great had gone to England and he went to the church after Thomas Becket had died so that people would follow his teachings just like Thomas Becket had done.

When did Thomas Becket flee to France?

Thomas Becket was found guilty of trumped up charges brought by Henry II and fled to Pontigny Abbey, a bit south of Paris. He returned when Henry relented out of fear the Pope would excommunicate him. Not long after, Becket was killed by Henry's knights.

What did Henry VIII have against Thomas Becket?

Nothing. By the time Henry VIII was alive, Becket had been dead for a very long time. You might be confusing Thomas Becket with Thomas More. More opposed Henry on several levels and was ultimately beheaded. Type "Thomas More" into your search engine of choice and do a little research. It's an interesting subject.