No question is foolish. Perhaps a fundamental and curable problem is a lack of critical thinking by leadership.
Another answer might be the dependence of Western society upon Capitalism. Capitalism advances the false logic that change is most rapid when intellectual knowledge is proprietary. Capitalists will suggest that this motivates private enterprises to innovate because there is a profit motive. Instead, innovation is stifled when discoveries cannot be patented. Important avenues of medicine go unexplored because the discoveries don't lead to profit. Competition is stifled, not encouraged because corporations with patented technology are not fully engaged in the desirable race to production. Valuable technology can be bought and suppressed in order to maintain existing revenue streams using inappropriate fossil fuel technology. Corporations have little desire to innovate to new technology when doing so would interfere with existing revenue streams and require upgrades to infrastructure. Truly important opportunities that facilitate free movement and information exchange are not achieved expressly because free implies no profit motive. Some of the most important industrial and social advancements arise because nations constructed free-ways and railways and the information super highway.
The planet faces several threats: nuclear and military proliferation, climate change, catastrophic weather events, earth-quakes, tsunamis, fire storms, asteroid strikes, lunar orbit decay, pollution, over-population, political and social manipulation, resistance of religions to progressive thinking, a culture preoccupied with self, a lack of empathy, a lack of commitment and perseverance, cultural obsession with distraction rather than social consciousness, a lack of focussed education and training, a lack of Effective Leadership coupled with a growing cynicism and loss of faith in the political system.
A time line is necessary for the introduction of solutions to the global money supply crisis. Money is required to drive employment, consumption and distribution of goods therefore an expansionary money supply is highly desirable. Demilitarization and Effective Democratic Meritocracy are the necessary antecedents to the creation of an Indexed Global Money Supply. It could be indexed by population, crisis and need. It should not deprive private individuals of a reasonable share of their property however it might be used to liquidate national debts and provide solvency for predictable, solvable & prudent infrastructure needs. It might also be used to address mobilization and response for crisis relief.
" What in the world" means that your shocked. Example : " What in the world is that?!"
negative movies/books/chemicals in foods/religion interpreted wrong...
God because he created all things. sorry ,this is wrong answer
because u got your facts wrong Wow. No wonder they lost!
World War I It was also called "the war to end all wars". Guess they were wrong about that.
Wrong World was created in 1985-02.
The duration of Wrong World is 1.62 hours.
Eratosthenes proved the world is flat theory wrong
World Gone Wrong was created on 1993-10-26.
It really depends on someone's definition of wrong
a preson who works to change what he or she feels is wrong with the world
Douglas haigs plan went wrong in world war 1
if a single thing its wrong in the experiment everything its wrong so you have to do it all over againg and if you do something wrong and u share your answer with the world u confuse the world
No. You can't be born wrong. Being gay is part of the natural world.
what is the biggest dam in the world?(wrong answer)